Lazarus, whom Jesus loved, the man who would be buried twice, left Bethany after his resurrection and went to Cyprus because “the chief priests decided…

The Early Christian History of Cyprus
Lazarus, whom Jesus loved, the man who would be buried twice, left Bethany after his resurrection and went to Cyprus because “the chief priests decided…
“This book has more an air of truth about it than any of the others. There is not much extravagance in the details, and the…
While Mark was not from Cyprus, he did play a part in some major early Christian events on the island. He accompanied his cousin Barnabas…
9 Meanwhile a large crowd of Jews found out that Jesus was there and came, not only because of him but also to see Lazarus, whom…
Cyprus is known as the 'Island of Saints' for a good reason. Hundreds of saints often recognized by both the Eastern and Western Apostolic churches…